Social Impacts
For the Generations of Tomorrow
Our future lies in the hand of our children. Shinho sees the world as one big family made up of many smaller units. Some are happy and content while others struggle and seek supports. Shinho wishes to extend our helping hands to family in needs, especially to the little ones of the household. Through our initiative “Tong Xin Yuan”, we provide monetary aids as well as psychological counsellings for the children to grow up happy and healthy. We are devoted to open the window to a wider world for children with limited opportunities and teach them cooking to better take care of both themselves and their family. “Tong Xin Yuan” initiative aims to pass on love, to spread love and ultimately strengthen the love within communities.

Shinho's First Airport Playground - Shinhope Opens Its Doors to Public
Shinho Foundation, Hope and Future of Shinho
Your Smile Means Everything for "Tong Xin Yuan"
Love = Pass It On, "Tong Xin Yuan" Classes for Left-Behind Children Begins
Love the Left-Behind Children, Care for Their Psychological Health, "Tong Xin Yuan" Series
Healthy Eating: Food Education
“Care for Family” is a principle that underlies everything we do. We built Shinho around the idea to “help more families develop healthy eating habits with improved access to quality ingredients”. We focus on dissemination of food knowledge to each and every household. Having a healthy eating habit has an important impact on our family life. We believe food is the bond that keeps all the family members connected; we encourage everyone to have family dinners, giving opportunity for every member to join in the preparation, cooking and sharing of food. Eat Healthy. Be Healthy. Be Happy.
Environmentally Sustainable Development
Shinho believes firmly that we are borrowing the arable land from our future generations for farming; we have the duty to treasure and protect the land. Good produce is nourished by fertile land and fresh water. We live with nature. Our livelihood depends on nature.We started organic farming in the beginning to allow our employees to have access to organic vegetables. We soon discovered that we can help more people understand the meaning of organic farming.We set out to build communication platforms with transparency and promote trustworthy smallholders who “farm with conscience”. We adopt on-line and off-line measures to connect farmers with customers through events such as trading fairs. Through these endeavours, more and more people start to understand “organic” describes both the product and the process; people also begin to realise we need to treat our land and air with the same kindness and care we give to our family and friends.