Shinho's First Airport Playground - Shinhope Opens Its Doors to Public
Corporate News

On August 15th, 2017, Shinhope Playground in Yantai Penglai Airport has opened its doors. Its location is afront No.8 and 9 boarding gates. Planning for the playground project was started since October, 2016, and after a process of conception, design, construction, the site saw its opening after 300 days of hard work.

The next generation is what Shinho has been putting our hope on.
This society is made up of many families - happy families and those in need of help, we want to help the latter group, and especially the children in these families.
We want to help them see the world, teach them to cook, teach them to take care of themselves and their families.

Shinhope Playground is the combination of Shinho and Hope.It does not just represent the fact children are parents' hope, but also that Shinho wants to give children hope with its mission.

Shinhope Playground's design comes from the concept of "home", which is the core of Shinho, and is also what drives us to put caring, support and understanding for family into the products. Shinho's business is born with family.
The outline of home and lines which are reminiscent of smile represent Shinhope Playground. Playground is a place full of laughter and every kid who comes the site was happy.
Interactive toys are merchandises of products, for example, a castle that looks like the packaging of Cong Ban Lv Soybean Sauce, and a climbing wall that resembles that of Huang Fei Hong Spicy Peanuts.

Shinhope Playground is managed by professionals every day, and from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., it is open to welcome visit from parents and children.
We hope that this playground will always be a place that is full of positive energy and where we can deliver love and hope to the next generation, so that children can grow up under the same sky and in a carefree environment.