Shinho Joined Hands with Master Chefs to Pass on Chinese Aesthetics
Media CoverageEver since Thanksgiving in 2012, Shinho has asked top chefs in China, along with their apprentices, families and friends to hold Thanksgiving events across the nation. It is how Shinho fulfills its brand commitment on "Respect, Love, Give Back", and how Shinho helps chefs elevate their social value. On November 26th, 2015, Shinho Weidamei once again joined hands with top chefs in China, along with their apprentices, families and friends, their efforts start from Shenyang, Beijing, Zhenzhou, Shanghai, all the way to Chengdu. They helped spread the Chinese aesthetics to every part of China. Both China News and Sina News covered Shinho's Thanksgiving events.
We firmly believe that Thanksgiving is embedded in every detail of life, we strive to help those in need, which is how Chinese flavors and essence supposed to be. We never stop in pushing Chinese dream forward.
In Beijing, Food and Beverage Service Manager of Shinho Mr. Zhang Yong, Chef Qu Hao, General Manager of Yulin Roast Duck Restaurant Mr. Huo Cheng, along with many chefs from Yulin arrived at Dandelion Middle School. Dandelion Middle School is the first middle school in Beijing that is founded for children of migrant workers, it is also the only non-profit civilian school with all students come from underprivileged families. After having learned about needs of the school, in addition to donating a year worth of condiments at the event, Shinho also made children a lovely lunch. Chef Qu Hao offered suggestions on aspects including food ingredient pairing, flavor and techniques to school chefs, so that they can make delicious and healthy meals even with the simplest ingredients.

In Shenyang, Shinho invited 30 chefs and their apprentices including Liu Jingxian, Qu Hao, Lv Changhai, Yu Jianhai, Chen Jinchang, Gu Mingzhong, Hu Limei, Jiang Jiefu, Wang Kaifa, Miao Qingyuan to visit local children's welfare centers and nursing homes, and donated soy sauce and warm clothing to the children with special needs and the elderly.

In Zhengzhou, Shinho walked into one of the social welfare institutions. Bringing clothing, scarves, waistcoats, condiments and noodles, Shinho has sent warmth and love for children and the elderly.

In Shanghai, we walked into a nursing home on Huayang Street, Changning District of Shanghai.When chefs made dumplings together with the grandmas and grandpas, the whole room was warmed up by the atmosphere... Shinho will continue to pass on the ethics of caring the society and respecting the elderly.

On this day, along with people with love, Shinho delivers more love to the society and people, because we treat the world as family.
(Source: China News, Sina News)