Full Moon and Reunion, Happiness Made Easy

Full Moon and Reunion, Happiness Made Easy

Brand Activity LIU YUE XIAN
On the Mid-Autumn Festival of 2012, Liu Yue Xian continues with its vision for exquisite lifestyle and aims to make happiness easier. Mid-Autumn Festival is the time for family reunion and moon worship, it is also when family members enjoy each other’s company and appreciate each other’s presence. Liu Yue Xian only selects premium ingredients and insists on fermenting its soy sauce for six full months with no additives, on this day of family reunion, we hope to bring happiness to every family. Liu Yue Xian makes happiness easily accessible. Happiness is the fact that there are two moons on Mid-Autumn Festival – one is the real moon, the other reunion. When you see a full moon, what you are experiencing in your mouth also brings you joy.
