A Bag of Sauce For a Great Meal | Quick Ready-to-Eat for the New Generation
Brand Activity CONG BAN LVShinho was talking with friends the other day, and the following conversation occurred:

"I have to say, today's young people are really lazy when it comes to cooking."
"Takeaway is unhealthy, but they don't know how to cook, so what can they do?"
Hold that thought!

A few days ago, someone gave me this "kitchen cheat kit" and told me:

What's the secret to making restaurant food in three steps?
Great food at the ready!
Our food-loving CONG BAN LV distils 28 years of experience in the kitchen into this bag of soybean sauce: it has everything you need!
It's okay if you are lazy. This is ready to eat!

Soybean sauce go with everything!
Soybean sauces are famous for their versatility: three bowls of rice can be gone in a blink with some sauce on top!
Our 90-day fermented soybean sauce makes the nutrients more easily absorbed and the flavour richer! It is great to add to a variety of dishes.

Something different every day for a week
Once you dig in, you won't stop: Spicy Boiling Meat Sauce, Chill Dry Hot Pot Sauce, Seafood Flavoured Shredded Pork Sauce;
Stick your finger in and try it out: Seafood Sauce;
Rice-Terminators: Thick Cassoulet Sauce, Honey-Braised Sauce, Beijing Shredded Pork Sauce.
One bag of sauce, one great dish, have something different every day for seven days of the week
Hold my chopsticks, I am buying the Seafood Sauce to try out tonight!