Diplomacy on a Plate | Home Food, Home Story
Brand ActivityOn December 29th, 2019, the 13th "VENETO" Diplomat Cooking Competition was held in Tianjin. Diplomats from different countries gathered together to make food and friends. For the second year in a row, Shinho was the leading co-organiser of the event, sharing carefully prepared authentic Chinese dishes with the guests.

With the development of global integration and China's "One Belt, One Road" initiative, we are seeing more and more exchanges between countries. Cultural encounters between different nations have opened new doors to many exciting places for us, in which gastronomy serves as the key, allowing people from different parts of the world to exchange ideas. This year, diplomats, along with their families, from 11 embassies in China attended the event not only to see who makes the best dish but also to learn about each other's cultures.

This year's Diplomat Cooking Competition invited some outstanding experts from the industry, including Yang Chunhui, a member of the World Culinary Federation's Chinese Food Industry Federation, Ma Jun, a representative of the Diplomat Magazine Council, Li Shiqiang, Director of China International Education Television, and the Marketing Manager of Xinhe Enterprises. They act as the judges for the Competition.

As the lovable pandas and lions entered the venue dancing, representatives from the host and co-host parties and guest judges went on the stage for ribbon-cutting. They also painted the eyes for the lion, marking the beginning of the competition this year.

The competition was filled with highlights. Representatives from different embassies and consulates in China made many special dishes. Guests from other countries cooked together with local celebrity chefs. Top chefs also put on a grand finale by presenting some impressive dishes. Each country showed their understanding of food and was able to learn from each other.

The family from Iran was no doubt the most eye-catching part of the competition. Seeing their dishes getting the highest score, the excited mother, in her hijab, hugged her children passionately. The father, in an apron, couldn't help smiling seeing his family being so excited.

In addition, teams from Mongolia, Japan, Nepal and Portugal also participated in the competition. They not only came with delicious food but also charismatic diplomats and their unique cultures.

The competition was fierce but fair. The participant from Belarus won the 13th "VENETO" Diplomat Cooking Competition with a traditional Belarusian New Year's meal, including pan-fried steak, pickles, roasted potatoes with fennel and potato pancake. Pakistan and Ukraine came in second and third.

During the competition, families from different embassies also checked out the cultural heritage and unique food at the "Embassy New Year Market". Families were also able to try out many products from Shinho, including soy sauce ice cream, Huang Feihong spicy crispy peanuts and June Fragrant soybean paste. They could bring those packs of happiness home.

With the corporate belief of "treating the world as family", Shinho is determined to become the leading food company representing China and bringing reliable Chinese food to the world. This year, Shinho had the opportunity to take part in this international cultural exchange, the significance of which went beyond food itself. Shinho shall continue to promote Chinese culinary culture around the world. We hope our food can travel across borders and create bonds between people.