Aromatic Food Festival in June: A Family Festival for You and Shinho

Aromatic Food Festival in June: A Family Festival for You and Shinho

Brand Activity
Time flies by before we realise, it is already six months into 2018. When did you last see your family? We know you always have your home and loved ones hidden away in the treasure box of your heart. Shinho Aromatic Food Festival in June aims to provide an occasion for families to get together and create new memories: watch a film, have a picnic or travel to new places. The world is your oyster! Shinho is where the families are. Let's look back to some of the best events that happened in June.

Shinshop Food Market

On the 1st of June, International Children's Day, Shinshop food market kick-started Shinho Aromatic Food Festival. Great food and drink, made with Shinho products, drew the crowd at the market. Fun games were also included for both children and adult. Singing Soysauce Bottle also featured and sang Be Great. For three days, we entertained people of Qinhuangdao with painting, flower banquets, desert making classes and hand-drum performance.

Kick start your summer!

On the 2nd of June, Shinho co-organised a garden party with Golden Sand Beach Hotel in Yantai. They could also take home a gift bag specially prepared by Shinho. Shinho CONG BAN LV put together gift boxes containing vegetable and fruit sauce for the children, signed by the brand. Each child will receive one seed for them to plant with their parents. Our team will also explain to the children why it is essential to plant fresh produce to teach them about the environment and to nurture their exploring spirit and practical skills. At the end of the day, when the children are ready to eat, chefs from the Xi Lai Deng hotel prepared a Shinho buffet dinner with amazing, healthy dishes.

Aromatic Festival of June

Shinho opened the Aromatic Food Festival on the 6th of June, and six members of the Shinho family captured the heart of our foodies with a table of delicious meals. Our staff canteen added web-sensation chicken claws to the menu for everyone to order. Team June and Team Aroma also competed against each other in a series of games that brought joy to the occasion. When the Happy Birthday song filled every office of Shinho around China, a cake with 'Happy 24th Birthday for CONG BAN LV' decorated on top is the perfect remembrance of the time we shared.

Soy sauce knows how to sing!

Between the 9th to the 10th of June, Shinho LIU YUE XIAN Supermarket Music Festival opened at Beijing Fresh Hema Shilibao Store with grace, great music and delicious food. A crowd buzzing with excitement was eager to applaud for every performance on stage. A gigantic poster is at the background, featuring guitar-playing LIU YUE XIAN soy sauce bottle and Mr Hema as the lead singer of the band. Sea creatures danced around them among floating music notes.

Birthday with you in June

CONG BAN LV supermarket birthday parties are also going to be held in 52 major shopping malls in the country. At the event, birthday cakes, infused vinegar drinks and delicious dishes cooked live by professional chefs will all be available for you to taste. We hope these surprise gifts will bring joy to you at this special occasion that belongs to both you and Shinho.

Enjoy Zongzi with your family

Between the 17th to the 19th of June, Shinho started 'Zealous Zongzi' events in major shopping malls to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival with you. Chefs from Shinho gave live cooking classes and taught lessons on how to use LIU YUE XIAN soy sauce to create the best tasting meat zongzi. Many mini activities also drew the audience to participate in fun, exciting games. One of the attendees said: 'I could never have imagined cooking zongzi is so technical. I hope Shinho hosts more of these events because they are of great fun!.'
We look back to the first half the year and see the best memories we shared with our family surface before our eyes. We hope that Shinho has brought you joyous moments that will be long remembered even after many years have passed.
