Our Organic Intention for Hani Students in Yunnan
Brand Activity HONA ORGANICIn 2013, HONA Organic started a charity fund at BIOFACH CHINA to raise money for art supplies for students of Hani ethnicity in Yunnan Province. We put together everyone’s best wishes together and bought desks, chairs, picture books for them.

We did it again in 2014. Looking at them sitting on their brand-new desks and drawing pictures made us feel more fulfilled than ever.

In 2015, through a partnership with BIOFACH CHINA, HONA Organic initiated and teamed up with other brands to sponsor a charity pop up restaurant. The raised money was donated to Library in the Field initiative, which was co-organized by HONA and Bixi Picture Book Library. It has a vision to extend the act of reading to outdoors, rural areas and even the field. We could just imagine hearing the kids read aloud everywhere they go.

2016, as the kids are growing up, they don’t want to contain themselves to picture books but wanted to study, and that’s what we brought them.