A Global Conversation on Food, Soil and Health
Brand Activity HONA ORGANICFive hundred years ago, Leonardo da Vinci said:'We know more about the stars above than the earth below.' We so proud of the increasing food production and believed we now know more about soil and agriculture. Why, then, have we become more and more unhealthy? Food is a living miracle and soil is a magnificent medium that so many lives on Earth depend on it. There is so much more we could learn about food and soil.

On the 14th of July, a global conversation on food, soil and health was held at Daxiang Artistic Center at Kunming, Yunnan. As one of the supporters of the event, Shinho HONA ORGANIC was in attendance. We brought our sustainable cooking philosophy to discuss with other promoters of sustainability from both China and the States. Together, we called for people to eat for the future of Earth and humankind.

The event was organised by Forested, an educational platform dedicated to helping the audience in China and the States to understand how to promote sustainable development by being more conscious of what we eat. The founder of Forested Xi Cheng and Elizabeth Kucinich, who is a documentary producer, social activists and a promoter of sustainable, renewable agriculture both attended the event. A series of themed speeches, interviews, case studies and documentaries were held to provoke a multi-dimensional discussion on modern sustainable farming development. Participants shared their stories on how nature was restored by changing the relationship between human, food and the environment. We should be conscious of what we eat because the food we choose could impact our future.

Shinho HONA ORGANIC brand manager also spoke on the topic of how to promote organic farming and organic lifestyle. He shared his experiences in organic brand and food. HONA ORGANIC was born in 2002 because Shinho wanted to explore for an answer to our main concern of enabling families to eat healthy by encouraging organic farming. Since then, HONA ORGANIC has continued to choose and advocate for the choice of organic ingredients to allow every family to eat safely, sustainably. The natural tastes of food can be drawn out to deliver fantastic flavour while preserving maximum nutrients.

HONA ORGANIC is now an organic condiment industry leader with a comprehensive range of products. We believe that using organic, traceable and natural ingredients is the best way to care for our nature. We have done so for the past 16 years. Beautiful produce is sourced from honest farmers to create our Organic Soy Sauce. To allow the real flavour of the soy shine through, we focus on using the minimum ingredients to deliver great products. HONA ORGANIC is now one of the most influential organic condiment brands in China.

'Organic' describes more than just the end product, and it represents a process. Being 'organic' is about truly understanding how to farm sustainably, how to eat responsibly, and how to build an ecosystem. SUNRISE HARVEST is Shinho's answer to those three questions. The brand is focused on transparency in presenting to consumers every step we took for organic farming. Sunrise Harvest built a scientific and standardised agricultural production system that resulted in innovations sustainable and innovative farming methods.

Shinho promotes the use of organic products to ensure that every Chinese family can enjoy a full table of sustainable and healthy food. We continue to invest in charitable causes that aim to turn desserts into an oasis for the next generation. In our farms, we took away chemical pesticides, fertilizers, and genetically modified micro-organisms to allow the soil to recover naturally. We explore the relationship between people, food and the soil to contribute our share to the overall soil and food safety issue. It is essential for us to provide safe and nutritious food to every household.

To help families to live a healthy and happy life and rest assured at every meal, we want to improve the overall food ecosystem. From farm to table, we are here to enhance every step of the way for you. Our determination has never wavered. More and more people are joining the Shinho family because they relate to our mission. China has five thousand years of agricultural history, and today, it is transforming to sustainable farming due to the efforts of our generation. We are happy and full of hope for the future.
Let's eat for the future!